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Jelle Bonthuis

Jelle Bonthuis

Jelle Bonthuis has finished a Master Biomedical Sciences in the Netherlands (Maastricht University) and a Master Medical Sciences in Japan (Tohoku University) as part of a Joint Double Degree program. He spent one year in Japan performing research. 

I have been tutoring students since the beginning of my Bachelor studies and it is something that I thoroughly enjoy. During that time I taught high school students, while nowadays I give lectures at Maastricht university and help students with setting up their research projects or writing their thesis.  

Some of my hobbies include learning Mandarin (Chinese), programming in Python, modelling metabolism in Matlab, and writing non-fiction books about biology. I am also interested in and have worked on theses regarding economics, psychology, and physics. 

Everyone’s needs are different, especially when it comes to writing a thesis. I have experience with helping students at college, Bachelor, and Master level. And I will help you with both literature and research theses. I focus on producing a structured ‘story’, with strong arguments, and clear goals. As everyone’s needs are different, I will of course help you with whatever problems you encounter. I also have adequate knowledge of statistics to provide you with both a practical solution (what should you do?) and a theoretical explanation (why you should do that?) to your problems. 

Contact Jelle…


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